What else do readers of Frank Miller read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.
Frank Miller
Alan Moore
Grant Morrison
Warren Ellis
Tim Burton
George Carlin
Garth Ennis
Brian Michael Bendis
Mark Millar
Brian K. Vaughan
Jeph Loeb
Mark Waid
Scott Snyder
Eric Idle
Robert Kirkman
Stan Lee
Harry Harrison
Geoff Johns
Lewis Carroll
John Sladek
Ray Bradbury
Brian K Vaughan
Katsuhiro Otomo
Bill Willingham
Mike Mignola
Jack Kirby
Scott McCloud
Mick Foley
Jonathan Hickman
Will Eisner
Chris Claremont
Mark Miller
Christopher Fowler
Art Spiegelman
Chip Zdarsky
Kieron Gillen
Kevin Smith
Quentin Tarantino
Brian Azzarello
Al Ewing
Bob Shaw
Neil Gaiman
Robert Rankin
Michael Carroll
Clive Barker
Osamu Tezuka
Junji Ito
Harlan Ellison