What else do readers of Lewis Carroll read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.
Lewis Carroll
Ray Bradbury
Harlan Ellison
C. S. Lewis
Mark Twain
Sesyle Joslin
Roger Zelazny
Roald Dahl
Brothers Grimm
Edgar Allan Poe
Frank Miller
Robert Rankin
Jonathan Swift
Oscar Wilde
Norton Juster
Alan Moore
Harry Harrison
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Edward Lear
Stephen Chbosky
Johnny Gruelle
Michael Moorcock
Sylvia Plath
Chuck Palahniuk
Neil Gaiman
Tim Burton
Michael Ende
James Morrow
Douglas Adams
Lois Lowry
George Orwell
Gregory Maguire
John Bellairs
Jerome David Salinger
Diana Wynne Jones
Anne Rice
Douglas Hofstadter
Kurt Vonnegut
Edwin Abbott
P. L. Travers
Stephen Fry
Max Frei
Philip Pullman
Jorge Luis Borges
Agatha Christie
Jack London
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Hunter S. Thompson
Jm Barrie