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Ford Madox Ford
Isak Dinesen
EL Doctorow
E. L. Doctorow
Elspeth Huxley
Beryl Markham
Mfk Fisher
Andre Malraux
Steve Thayer
Alison Lurie
Walter Lord
Mark Helprin
Gerhard Meier
Walker Percy
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Studs Terkel
William Shirer
Hilary Mantel
Sara Wheeler
Lance Morrow
Ambrose Bierce
Joseph Conrad
Jeremy Black
W. G. Sebald
H. G. Wells
John Barth
John Milton
Martin Gilbert
Marina Tsvetaeva
Carson Mccullers
Henry James
John Keegan
Richard Bachman
Ian Kershaw
Dylan Thomas
Mark Haddon
Anna Akhmatova
Alexander Blok
D H Lawrence
Flann O'Brien
A A Milne
John Crowley
Graham Greene
Joseph Brodsky