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D H Lawrence
A A Milne
James Graham Ballard
Louis-Ferdinand Celine
La Carre
William S. Burroughs
John Fante
Hunter S. Thompson
John Henry Newman
Helene Hanff
Adnan Duric
Anais Nin
Henry Miller
Emma Goldman
E M Forster
Virginia Woolf
Wilkie Collins
Doris Lessing
Margaret Laurence
E. M. Forster
Jack Kerouac
Gore Vidal
Rebecca West
John Knowles
James Baldwin
Evelyn Waugh
Elizabeth Gaskell
Joseph Conrad
Norman Douglas
Ivan E Coyote
Gloria Anzaldua
Charles Bukowski
Naomi Klein
Herman Melville
Richard Brautigan
Jean Genet
Susan Sontag
Mervyn Peake
Samuel Beckett
Dan Fante
Ernest Hemingway
Charlotte Bronte
Frederick Forsyth
Moritz Thomsen
David Madsen
Archur Machen
Christopher Harris
David Storey