What else do readers of Eugene Zamiatin read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.
Eugene Zamiatin
John ralston Saul
William Safire
John Kenneth Galbraith
John Stuart Mill
David Hume
Monty Python
Chuang Tzu
Leon Trotsky
Timothy Zahn
Rene Descartes
Che Guevara
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E. M. Forster
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Arundhati Roy
Jack London
Maurice Sendak
Shel Silverstein
Erich Maria Remarque
Friedrich Engels
Robert Frost
Joseph Campbell
Karl Marx
Maya Angelou
Anton Chekhov
Dr. Seuss
Aldous Huxley
Ray Bradbury
George Orwell
Umberto Eco
Michael Crichton
Isaac Asimov