What else do readers of Michael Crichton read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.
Michael Crichton
Tom Clancy
John Grisham
Dan Brown
Robert Ludlum
Ken Follett
Dean Koontz
Ian Fleming
Clive Cussler
Andy Weir
Thomas Harris
Stephen King
James Patterson
James Rollins
Douglas J. Preston
Lincoln Child
Blake Crouch
Robin Cook
Michael Connelly
Orson Scott Card
J.R.R. Tolkien
Isaac Asimov
George R. R. Martin
Patricia Cornwell
Preston & Child
Peter Straub
John Saul
Douglas Adams
Joanne K. Rowling
David Baldacci
Lee Child
Matthew Reilly
Chuck Palahniuk
Nelson DeMille
Peter Benchley
Richard Preston
Pierce Brown
Anne Rice
Neal Stephenson
Frank Herbert
A. G. Riddle
Robert Jordan
Frederick Forsyth
Dan Simmons
Agatha Christie
Neil Gaiman
C. S. Lewis
Jules Gabriel Verne
Ray Bradbury