What else do readers of Truman Capote read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.
Truman Capote
Tennessee Williams
H. G. Wells
Federico Garcia Lorca
Carson Mccullers
Raymond Bradbury
Sherwood Anderson
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Harper Lee
Walt Whitman
Raymond Chandler
Erik Larson
Dashiell Hammett
Christopher Isherwood
Raymond Carver
Sylvia Plath
Dorothy Parker
Jeffrey Eugenides
Khaled Hosseini
Hilary Mantel
John Steinbeck
Jerome David Salinger
Richard Yates
Eugene O'Neil
Edward O Wilson
William Styron
Kate Chopin
Ray Bradbury
Ernest Hemingway
Sebastian Faulks
Paul Auster
Michael Chabon
Miguel de Unamuno
Jorge Luis Borges
Mario Puzo
Richard Russo
Roberto Bolano
Jack Kerouac
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Lewis Thomas
William Faulkner
Dawn Brown
Robert Louis Stevenson
David Sedaris
Ronan farrow
Susan Howe
Dave Cullen
Vincent Bugliosi
Mark Oshiro