What else do readers of Stephen Hawking read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.
Stephen Hawking
Brian Greene
Michio Kaku
Richard P. Feynman
Carl Sagan
Neil Degrasse Tyson
Richard Dawkins
Stephen Hawkins
Albert Einstein
Yuval Noah Harari
Richard Feynman
Sean Carroll
Sam Harris
Max Tegmark
Lawrence Krauss
John McPhee
Roger Penrose
David Attenborough
Douglas Hofstadter
Jared Diamond
Nick Bostrom
Ray Kurzweil
Edward Abbey
Daron Acemoglu
Carlo Rovelli
Donald Knuth
Lisa Feldman Barrett
Stanislaw Lem
Hans rosling
Daniel C. Dennett
Raymond Kurzweil
Thomas R. Holtz, Jr.
John Gribbin
Edwin Abbott
Ray Bradbury
Jacob Bronowski
Paulo Coelho
Timothy Freke
Timothy Ferris
Dan Brown
Rachel Carson
Walter Riso
George Lakoff
Walt Disney
Peter Diamandis
Roy Chapman Andrews
Freeman Dyson
Peter Wohlleben