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James Tate
John Ashbery
Bill Knott
David Berman
Bob Hicok
Dean Young
Cate Marvin
Robert Creeley
Frank O'hara
Zachary Schomburg
W. S. Merwin
Russell Edson
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Leslie M. Silko
Chris Bachelder
Joe Wenderoth
Franz Wright
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Ted Kooser
Nicholson Baker
Campbell McGrath
Cesar Vallejo
Craig Morgan Teicher
William Goyen
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Mario Montalbetti
Stanley Plumly
Erin Belieu
W S Merwin
Kevin Sampsell
James Merrill
Djuna Barnes
Gabriel Gudding
Robert Bly
Sarah Kay
Delmore Schwartz
Augusten Burrough
Richard Siken
Charles Simic
Theodore Roethke
Breece D'j Pancake
Wallace Stevens