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Garrison Keilor
Don DeLilo
Adolf Hitler
Martin Cruz Smith
Philip José Farmer
Gregory Maguire
Zora Neale Hurston
Harry Turtledove
Amy Tan
Jonathan Safran Foer
Jeffrey Eugenides
David Brin
Henry Miller
Ian Fleming
Christopher Paolini
Bill Bryson
Michael Moorcock
Bruce Sterling
Oscar Wilde
Zadie Smith
Charlotte Bronte
Arthur Charles Clarke
Robert Anton Wilson
Jonathan Franzen
Umberto Eco
Michael Crichton
Aldous Huxley
Stanislaw Lem
Jack Kerouac
Dan Brown
Ernest Hemingway
Paul Auster
Tom Clancy
Dean Koontz
Chuck Palahniuk
Thomas Pynchon
John Grisham
Neal Stephenson
Douglas Adams
Neil Gaiman
Hermann Hesse
Albert Camus
Isaac Asimov
William Gibson
J.R.R. Tolkien
Stephen King
George Orwell