What else do readers of Tori Spelling read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.
Tori Spelling
Kathy Griffin
Chelsea Handler
Adam Carolla
Kathryn Sockett
Sarah Silverman
Beverly Donofrio
Ruth Klüger
Tina Fey
Patrick Dennis
Oliver Uschmann
Stephanie Klein
Susanne Kaysen
Mindy Kaling
J.R. Moehringer
Susan Orlean
Jacqueline Susann
Candace Bushnell
Augusten Burroughs
Alice Sebold
Nicholas Sparks
Sue Monk Kidd
Sophie Kinsella
Jeffrey Eugenides
Jodi Picoult
Jonathan Franzen
Stephenie Meyer
Dean Koontz
Suzanne Collins
John Steinbeck