What else do readers of Thomas Merton read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.
Thomas Merton
Henri Nouwen
Matthew Fox
Evelyn Underhill
Richard Rohr
M. Basil Pennington
Kallistos Ware
Joan Chittister
Brennan Manning
Teilhard De Chardin
Father Spyridon Bailey
Ephrem the Syrian
John Climacus
Boris Pasternak
Lawrence R. Farley
Hildegard of Bingen
Elizabeth A. Johnson
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Caryll Houselander
John Maximovitch
Randy Woodley
Rachel Naomi Remen
Gabriel Cooper Rochelle
Frederica Mathewes-Green
Thomas Keating
Dalai Llama
Peter Rollins
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Sebastian P. Brock
William Dyer
Karl Rahner
Tony Horwitz
Julian of Norwich
Anthony Melle
James Martin
Thomas Traherne
Edward Gorey
Elizabeth Johnson
Dorothy Day
Bernard Moitessier
Mechtild of Magdeburg
Terry M. Wildman
Johnny Tolkien
Paul Ricœur
Paul Tillich
S. J. Rozan
David Bohm
Steven Charleston
Ernest Poole