What else do readers of W.B. Yeats read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.
W.B. Yeats
Dylan Thomas
Guillame Appollinaire
Gregory Corso
Geoffrey Hill
Gwendolyn Brooks
Constantine P. Cavafy
Frank Stanford
Fredrico Garcia Lorca
Ted Hughes
Wislawa Szymborska
Dawn Powell
Ronald Firbank
C. D. Wright
Frank Wedekind
Alice Oswald
Roddy Doyle
James Stephens
Basil Bunting
Diana Holman-Hunt
Joe Orton
Victor Villasenor
Rudolfo Anaya
Colin Bateman
Jenny Hval
Tracy Kidder
Graham Greene
Svetlana Alexievich
Izumi Kyoka
Carol Ann Duffy
Rebecca Gayle Howell
Rita Bullwinkel
Yuko tsushima
Philippe Soupault
Leonard Q. Ross
Michael Kirkbride
Jules Renard
Scott McClanahan
Zakes Mda
Edward Thomas
Christopher Logue
Delmore Schwartz
Miroslav Holub
Robert Burns
William Poundstone
Richard Rorty