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SF Said
C. Robert Cargill
Jess E. Owen
Mitsu Izumi
Alex Sapegin
Holly Webb
Cordelia Castel
Jacob grey
Inbali Iserles
Cindy Anstey
Elisabetta Gnone
Kathryn Lasky
Tui T. Sutherland
Erin Hunter
Ee Knight
Kenneth Oppel
Amy McCulloch
Jacqueline Wilson
Katherine Lasky
Liz Kessler
Neal Shusterman
Enid Blyton
Cressida Cowell
Brandon Mull
Shannon Messenger
Will wight
Cornelia Funke
John Flanagan
Christopher Moore
Christopher Paolini
C. S. Lewis
Brandon Sanderson
Neil Gaiman
Joanne K. Rowling
J.R.R. Tolkien
Stephen King