What else do readers of Eugene Peterson read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both of them. Click on any name to travel along.
Eugene Peterson
Rod dreher
Sinclair Ferguson
Gordon Clark
David Blackbourn
Steven Colbert
John Owen
John Piper
Francis Schaeffer
Hans Kung
Jonathan Edwards
Richard Foster
John Frame
Henri Nouwen
John Calvin
Mark Driscoll
Timothy Keller
William P. Young
Phillip Yancy
Rob Bell
Eric Metaxas
Paul Brickhill
Tim Keller
Pauline Kael
Richard Rohr
Walker Percy
Wendell Berry
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Donald Miller
Flannery O'Connor
Herman Melville
Theodore Dreiser
Gary Paulsen
C. S. Lewis
Ernest Hemingway
J.R.R. Tolkien
Stephen King